Mothers Day, With Eggs and Steak

A couple very rare things happened this week:

1. I remembered Mother’s Day occurs every year.
2. I remembered Mother’s Day before Mother’s Day–rather than the morning of–which allowed me to figure out what day it was on.
3. Figuring out what day it was on allowed me to make some plans.

Granted, the plans weren’t that complicated. I bought wine on Saturday and made breakfast today (Omelet with spinach, cheese and ham; side of bacon; rye toast) and had our youngest do dishes after.

I was then able to cocoon with a bunch of small projects that got pushed aside by other things whilst She Who Must Be Obeyed attended a PTA meeting, because Mother’s Day is totally when you schedule meetings (something like that).

During the meeting I also took our youngest to the store to buy chocolate and decorations. (Note: She decorated the chocolate bar with a ribbon and other decorations.)

Then, in the afternoon, She Who Must Be Obeyed, completely misunderstanding the purpose of Mother’s Day (sit, do nothing, enjoy being pampered) made chocolate chip cookies. Granted, if you’re going to do something when you could be doing nothing, making chocolate chip cookies is an awesome thing to do.)

In the evening I cooked steaks for all of us–three medium rare and one well done for our youngest because she’s a communist. Something like that. She Who Must Be Obeyed bought the salad and I pan fried the steaks. (Note: we are not allowed to use any kind of open flame grill in our apartment because our landlord and neighbors are also communists. More on that in a future post.)

The steaks turned out reasonably well (for cheap steaks) and we all managed to eat too much. She Who Must Be Obeyed and I couldn’t choose between wine and beer so we ended up drinking both.

Later, after some “severe promises” were made, our oldest washed the supper dishes.

Now, all I have to do is remember all this again next year. I could set a reminder on my phone, but I’m sure I’ll forget to do that.

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