Stumble into the Sabbath

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8

I’m pretty sure that verse doesn’t mean “Do something, but not that thing you meant to do.”

In the grand judgment of “accomplished stuff” versus “wasted entire day” the verdict is “push” because I didn’t waste time effectively.

Although I had a basic plan, being finished with classes and marking for the term at the school where I work caused my body and my psyche to shut down and take a day off. I had stuff set out to do, but all I managed to do was stare at it and go “I should do that some day”.

That said, I managed to write a few things that will eventually appear on this site. Eventually.

I also took some pictures that will, in theory, accompany the things I wrote.

All this surprised me as one of my long term plans is to establish a day where I write and save a couple posts so that I always have something on hand for days I’m busy.

Granted, I wrote it all out by hand which means it’s not in an internet usable form, but tomorrow is another day. Sort of.


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