Author Archives: DELively

Work Not Work; Diet Not Diet

I had two reasons for going in to the office today, one was related to work, the other was related to diet.

One will help me, the other not so much.

One advantage of having the “house arrest” that the company I work for puts me through is that I’m mostly prepared for the start of classes tomorrow. I went in today, though, to up load all the worksheets I’d revised during my “house arrest”.

That only took a few minutes but I stayed around chatting with colleagues (one just had a baby; well, technically his wife did, but, well, yeah, he was excited/numb to the point of being speechless). I also took advantage of the copious amounts of omiyage (gift treats) brought by colleagues who’d been to exotic places.

The trouble is, the sweets go quickly and the office ends up barren with only a scattered hard candies and questionable packets of tea. This means its everyone for themselves.

The only accepted rule seems to be that one does not open every box. Only a couple boxes are open and a new one isn’t opened until an open one is finished.

Well, unless I’m around and there’s something really good that’s still unopened.

I Meant to do That, Yeah That Too

For all the pens and paper I have around the house and as part of my everyday carry, I apparently never learned to take coherent notes. This meant that today I passed out the same worksheet I passed out last week.

Then the students caused me problems.

The students thought it was kind of funny when the got the same worksheet and some of them pointed out what I’d done and I responded with “Yeah, I know.” and then the lying/improvisational department kicked in and I said that I wanted to review it because I wanted them to discuss why the incorrect sentences were incorrect. “Explain the mistakes.”

This kept them busy for a while and then I moved on to the next assignment.

Then the students tried to sabotage me. Their homework was to do research on a game and bring the research to class where they would do some writing using the research. Instead they all wrote the paragraphs at home which meant they’d used translators, which meant their English was probably worse than what I was hoping they’d do in class.

The problem was I’d planned on the in-class writing assignment taking up a substantial portion of the afternoon. This meant I had a substantial portion of the afternoon to replan.

My attitude was “Don’t you sabotage me! I’m the only one who gets to sabotage me!”

The lying/improvisational department took over and I told them to change papers and read their partner’s papers out loud and then proofread the paragraphs. Then everyone had to rewrite their paragraphs based on the suggestions.

That filled up enough of the afternoon that it looked almost as if I’d planned it.

Pens, Paper and Clumsiness

I only tried to hurt myself once today. Luckily, I failed. I also managed not to buy much today.

I met a fellow pen addict on his second trip to Japan and we roamed around the pen and stationery related sight in Ginza. (Museum? We don’t need no stinking museum.)

The first, Euro Box, was closed, which has become a tradition when the fellow pen addict is in Japan.

At the second, we ogled several gorgeous expensive pens and mocked several others. We only drooled over a couple.

That was followed by bland curry and an art supply store where I noticed there was a short drop off, right after I stepped off it. Except pride, everything held together after the rough step.

Relishing my role as enabler, I took the fellow pen addict to another store where he bought a few things he hadn’t planned on buying.

That was followed by a long walk to a couple department stores where ink was acquired.

I’ve already tested the one I bought. It will be sold at first chance.

Now I have to save up energy. It’s time to go back to work.

Actual Work or Not, More or Less

Although I remain annoyed at the rock pissing the company I work for has continued to enact, I did actual work today. More or less.

I’ve mentioned before how the company I work for has taken away my summers to prove that I work for them and not the school where I work.

This has, in general, made me more depressed than I expected it would and created more complications than it should.

However, as I start classes at the school where I work next Tuesday, I actually did actual work today. More or less.

In order to get ready for the autumn term I revised the lessons we’ll be using. This took more time than I expected because I, for want of a better phrase, took it seriously. (Yeah, I was surprised, too.)

However, one of my regular projects is to revise those lessons Since the “house arrest” as I tend to call it has been policy, I’ve revise them three times. This seems proper to me, however, there are lower mid-level bureaucrats at the company I work for who are attempting to justify their jobs. (Note: the company I work for has a shocking amount of administrative staff.)

I’m now ready for the term to start, however I wasted my last full day off by actually working.

I need to get my priorities straight, I guess.

A Time to Not Be Nice

As a rule, especially with lower level classes, I’m nice for the first few classes until it’s time to not be nice.

I give homework and try a few difficult things, but mostly I’m setting my students up for when the heavy stuff comes in. Today the heavy stuff came in and I stopped being nice.

After a pretty good first half of a three hour class, I could see students wearing down in the second half as demands increased. Then I gave them a writing assignment and watched their eyes glaze over and their brains fry (note, this happened in rapid succession so that it seemed nearly simultaneous). Most of them sat paralyzed and did nothing, one was working on something else until I came by. Two giggling women have guaranteed themselves new partners next week.

Then one guy pulled out his cellphone and started doing, well, it doesn’t matter because they are not allowed to have cellphones out unless I give permission, and it’s even questionable then.

I asked him what he was doing and his response was one part denial grunt and one part “oh crap” grunt. That’s when I turned the volume up to nine.

I told him he should get out if he didn’t want to be there and that if I saw his phone again, even if it was next week, he’d be thrown out. He mumbled something that may have been “sorry” and then stared at his textbook as if using the force would make words appear.

This could make things interesting next week. As the plan includes the students proofreading each other’s paragraphs, anyone without a paragraph will be sent out to finish it or not come back. I’ve already got the “you’re wasting everyone’s time” speech prepared.


Getting Sidetracked by Work

Just a bit of filler today as I somehow managed to get sidetracked by work and then just got sidetracked.

The work, once I got started, took up more time than I’d planned as I tried to think of way to make next terms high school second year curriculum something I could write a final exam for. As it stands right now I have enough material to keep the students busy for about half of the 50 minute exam, and that’s only if I make them write a longer essay.

Then this evening I got sidetracked by other writing and never got around to working on the notebook review I’ve been busily not writing for a couple days.

That’s now tomorrow’s, er today’s project.

Unless I get sidetracked.

Just Because You’re Paranoid

I’ve known for a long portion of my life that the weather is out to get me. I do not know why this is so, but it is so.

On many occasions it has not rained until I was outside. Then, once I was inside our apartment, it stopped raining.

For example, today the weather people (aka paid liars) predicted rain in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. This worked out for me because I have an evening class and wouldn’t be leaving until four in the afternoon.

Instead, it was cloudy all day and it didn’t start raining until I was getting dressed to go to work. She Who Must Be Obeyed offered me a lift to the station but I said that because it wasn’t raining that hard, I wouldn’t be needing a ride.

By the time I had my socks on, the sky started falling. This meant I had to sheepishly approach She Who Must Be Obeyed and invoke a take back.

As I climbed in the car, we could see the sun starting to emerge from the clouds, which did create a nice rainbow. It was, of course, gone by the time I got to the station.

Having messed with me a bit, the weather let me off with just a warning. Instead of rain, it dumped dreary and humidity. Luckily it didn’t mess with the trains.

Tomorrow I have no plans to go out. I bet it will be sunny and beautiful. We’ll see what happens on Thursday when I have another night class.


Only the Winners Deserve to Eat

One of the fun things about Japanese television is they used to make the losers suffer.

Even in cooking shows.

One of the few Japanese TV shows I miss is the Dotch Cooking Show. “Dotch” is actually “Dotchi” which translates to something like “Which one?”.

The premise of the show was that two comedians would promote a dish that related somehow. For example, they’d pit tacos against spring rolls; or Japanese-style hamburger steak versus American-style hamburgers. Each comedian had a chef to prepare the food and the show spent a lot of time explaining the backgrounds of each secret ingredient.

Also taking part in the show were seven celebrities who had to vote on which dish they preferred. They voted by literally choosing sides. The comedians took turns promoting their dish and trying to persuade the celebrity guests to choose them.

The first choice happened after the dishes were announced. The second choice occurred after a tasting of one of the ingredients. Along the way the comedians would taste ingredients and describe, in dramatic terms, how it was the most delicious thing they’d ever tasted.

The final choice came after the dishes were complete. The comedians made a final pitch and the celebrities participated a secret vote.

After the votes were counted, the celebrities who voted for the winning dish got to eat the dish they chose. The losers got to watch while the winners ate but otherwise got nothing.

To see an example, English subtitle included, with rice porridge versus rice balls, click this link.

I watched this show every chance I got and was kind of sad when it abruptly disappeared.

Now my favorite food related show is a contest where the losers pay for the meal. But that’s fodder for a future post.

And Thus Came the Crash

Short post after a long day.

Spent most of the day teaching. Was shocked at how good some of my students are at lying during an activity that required them to lie. I’ve vowed never to believe any of their homework excuses in the future.

After that spent time gawking at pens with a fellow pen addict who’s managed to finagle his way back to Japan. That was followed by curry, sake, beer and various forms of izakaya food. It was yet more evidence that the pen and stationery community is one of the best communities in the world. (More on that in a future post.)

I’m now falling asleep if I stop writing for even a few moments. I’ll stop writing then, and go to bed.

Either This or That or Neither

Today I took notes, but I couldn’t be bothered to take any pictures.

I’m at the phase of the summer where I can only do one task at once. More specifically, I can only do one type of task at at time, although I can do a bunch of them at once.

For example, I have a couple notebooks and a few pens of various shapes, sizes and types that need reviewing but I find I can only work in phases. On one day I collect notes on the physical details of the items, including size, number of pages, ink capacity and where it was manufactured. However, instead of writing up the notes, I just file them in Evernote.

The next day, I take all the pictures. However, rather than begin editing them, I just email them to myself so that I can eventually upload them and edit them.

Eventually, all the pieces get on the same computer and I get all the pieces together like a chef assembling and preparing all the ingredients before cooking.

Then everything just waits for me to start the actual writing..

Part of this is my way of mulling over the review before I write it. It also gives me a chance to reconsider the photographs.

However, the review does finally get written. Sometimes they get rewritten, too, but that’s another post.