I could just copy yesterday’s post, but that wouldn’t quite be fair. Instead, I’ll just riff on the same topic.
Today I finished marking all my junior high school exams and somehow managed to tally the marks and enter them into the computer. This involved minor swearing at technology (long story for a future post) and discovering sections I hadn’t marked and scores I hadn’t tallied as I went along.
As I enter the marks I then have to assess the assessment. Was it too easy? (In one case, yes.) Am I marking too easily? (If I am it’s probably out of relief for having students, albeit only a handful of them, actually follow the instructions.) Can I manipulate scores enough to fail that little jerk and get him sent to the lower level class? (That remains to be seen…)
However, once I took my break, I stayed on break. I still have class marks to figure (that is where the little jerk will fail) but couldn’t be bothered to do much else.
I’m working tomorrow and can figure all the class marks after that. Then, starting Monday, passback classes begin and we get to annoy the students by passing out their summer homework.