Today’s post is a follow up to yesterday’s in which a teacher ate my students’ homework. Sort of.
In my classes at the school where I work one of my rules is that if I see work or books from other classes (including English classes) I give you a warning to put the stuff away and dock you a few points. If I see the stuff again I confiscate it and, if you are lucky and I’m in a good mood, I’ll hand it to your homeroom teacher to pass back to you at the end of the day. If I’m not in a good mood, which is more likely this time of year, I’ll keep the stuff until the next class.
What I never thought of doing, though, was confiscating the stuff and throwing it away. That is a level of hardcore teaching I can only aspire to. (Mostly because I don’t have anything even resembling tenure, unless momentum counts as tenure.)
What strikes me as odd about this situation is that the posters that were confiscated were of Fukui Prefecture which is not the kind of thing you’d expect teenage boys to be playing with in class. If the posters had been of, how shall I say, augmented scantily clad women, I can understand the posters ending up in the trash (especially since the teacher in question is married) but since they were obviously some sort of homework (unless there are some very, very odd fetishes of which I am unaware–call me if there are) throwing them out seemed very hardcore. (Granted, Fukui does kind of look like “Fuk U I” but not to a Japanese.)
I suspect a number of warnings were involved, and since I’ve had issues with these two students myself I can imagine they didn’t actually listen to the warnings and that the teacher finally went past discipline to vengeance.
Either way, I now have a new threat: “If you don’t put that away, I’ll dispose of it like I’m a math teacher.”
No, that will take too long to explain. I’ll just take it and threaten to throw it away.