A Slow Finish to a Good Day

For a while I was going to have to do things by myself, but then the entire family arrived and things slowed down considerably.

The started well though whenI led another pen tour. The twist this time was the wife was a pen addict and the husband wasn’t interested at all. (Although he was helpful in acquiring rare ink by helping bypass the only one bottle of each color for one person rule.) In the end I plied him with beer, which seemed to help. (He even seemed to notice a couple pens and express how nice they looked meaning there may be hope from bringing him to the dark side.)

Unfortunately, I had to send them on their way and return home to help a teenager acquire a smartphone.

When I asked She Who Must Be Obeyed where I should go (home or to the phone shop) I was informed that our oldest had already been told where to go, so to speak, and that she’d be arriving by herself and I was to handle the purchase. This, of course, confused me more because 1) She Who Must Be Obeyed doesn’t trust me to make financial decisions about things involving money; and 2) She Who Must Be Obeyed needs a new phone as hers has, among other things, by passe the life of its internal calendar. (It stopped counting days at the beginning of this year.)

I was even more confused when all my girls arrived and we got in line to buy a phone. Our oldest, of course, insisted on an iPhone 6S (which is why SWMBO told her where to go earlier), although our oldest was also intrigued by the “new” old style form iPhone SE as it actually fit her hands comfortably. In the end she opted for the larger 6S.

This led to a two hour wait as this particular store spends a lot of time attempting to upsell things. (One of which we got.) After all that, time, though, they still managed to get our family name wrong on the license agreement.

I hope that means I don’t have to pay. But I’m pretty sure our oldest has already used up all her bandwidth for the month.

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