(Tell Me Why) I Won’t Like Mondays

I made a kid stand up today which is not something I usually do during a first class. In my defense, kids usually don’t sleep during the first class.

This was the first Monday I had to teach this school year and the early readings tell me it’s probably going to be my most annoying day. It starts early with a first, second, third period schedule that includes two low level junior high classes and then jumps with only a few minutes’ rest to high school second year. That’s followed by a three hour break and then a sixth period class.

Although this gives me time for lunch and planning, it didn’t star will today.

My first class gave off the “abandon hope all ye who teacheth here” vibe almost as soon as I stepped in the room. Bad classes seem amused by your presence and I had one kid take his time getting sat down. I made a show of watching the time on my watch, which hurried him up a bit but I’m taking bets there is homework in his future (more on that in a future post). After that the class seemed split between those who did the work because it amused them and the “we are not amused” group.

One kid went to sleep about half way through his assignment and after I woke him up he put his head down and tried to go to sleep while I was talking to him. As a result I made him stand up and took his chair. When he sat down during a writing assignment I reminded him to stand up. The hope is that he will remember this little lesson after two or three times of suffering through it. (He won’t, but at this stage in the school year I still have hope.)

The rest of the classes went well although I’d much rather have four classes in a row than have to work three, sit three, work one, especially when my first class is probably going to be bad.



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