That Long Last Stretch is Oh So Long

Been busy today, which means I got nothing but work to talk about. In fact, today involved three different jobs in various forms.

I was able to close out two of the jobs by sending edited paragraphs and posting final marks. I was also able to complete the class marks for my junior high school classes.

All that seems like an accomplishment, and in many ways it is, but that was the easy stuff and it leaves me with the final section of my final class’ worth of exams and over three days to finish them. The problem is, the way my brain works, those few thousand words (in theory 120 words X 28 exams) somehow manage to stretch outĀ for the entire allotted time.

I like to think that something like that won’t happen this time, but I’m already thinking of ways to waste time. None of them productive, just ways to waste time.

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