Long Week Short Post

I met people I’d met before. I met a person who claimed we’d met before but who I didn’t remember. I met a couple people who seemed pretty cool but who I’ll probably never meet again. I met students I hadn’t seen in a month and told them I’d see them next month.

It was that kind of week.

With two teachers away for family reasons we had a rush of substitutes and the possibility that we’d have to substitute classes ourselves. This meant that two of us found ourselves in the position of helping out a company that’s technically a rival company.

Along the way I made a very rare appeal to the vice principal for help and missed the apology from the student who drew swastikas (actually, he drew the Japanese symbol for temple: 卍 which is backward from the symbol he thought he was drawing.

I’ll get the apology next week, though.

I also managed to finish an exam, but no one had time to look at it because they were busy finishing their own.

Hopefully next week will be easier.


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