Enter Golden Week

As bad as it was today, it will be worse on Saturday, but that won’t be my problem.

This week is Golden Week in Japan. Three holidays mash together with a fourth provided for free between two of them.

This year the three-in-a-row fall on Wednesday through Friday giving Japan–or more specifically ME–a five day weekend.

However, last Saturday was the start of Golden Week and although it didn’t effect me because I have Saturdays off, it did give my students a day off. Then, they had to come back to school for two days before getting a long break. This means that, with a few exceptions, they were mostly useless. Those who weren’t useless were noisy and a select few, well, actually a majority, were both useless and noisy. Some of them only see me once this week and they consider me an interruption in their holiday.

The payback, though, will happen next Saturday. They will have school whilst I loiter about at home pretending to do stuff. Or more specifically, listing all the stuff I want to do and ignoring the stuff I need to do.


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