An Oddly on Schedule Day

Strangely enough, I actually stayed on schedule today, for the most part. What’s odd is the part I didn’t do was the part where I scheduled time to play a game.

I do not believe this is because, after all these centuries (give or take a few years)  that I am suddenly become a responsible person. Rather, it just took a long time to make a box.

I actually woke up later than I’d plan which put me behind. I then managed to catch up, somewhat, by knocking out my daily 10 ideas and a page or so of writing. That was followed by doing my actual “job” by producing “work” now that the company I work for has decided to trap me in my house on days I’m not assigned to the school where I work.

Note: Despite my whining, I’d much rather face the current house arrest than be forced to go into the office and work. Not only would I have to wear a tie but there is evil there that does not sleep. The great eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.

Unfortunately, the poisonous fumes have damaged the brains of management meaning I couldn’t send the “work” in until much later. (That’s part of the house arrest: appearances must be maintained.)

After the house arrest portion of the morning was finished, I focused on selling ink. That involved lots of bubble wrap, some packing peanuts and a small box that I crafted out of a larger box and then kept tweaking to see if I could reduce the weight to lower the cost yet still protect the contents. I then took that to the post office and sent it off.

After that some new ink arrived and I made some sample pages. That led me to stare at the growing pile of odd and rare inks in the variety room and ponder the best ways to dispose of it, (after ordering more of the ink that had arrived, of course).

At first I tried to implement one idea. That involved attempting to use the features provided by my webpage host and then swearing a little and abandoning that attempt when the features proved to be less intuitive than I’d hoped. At this point the overthinking took over and I felt a bit of panic caused by freaking myself out and I finally distracted myself for a bit with a game.

Now I think I have a plan. A lot of ink and a plan.

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