Not Snow, Not Wind, But Rain

I’m not made of sugar and I’m pretty sure I won’t melt, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I had to go to an afternoon meeting at the company I work for and my plan was to spend the morning ink hunting.

However, we woke up to a fairly heavy rain storm. This put me in a bad mood and I quickly changed plans. It’s annoying enough having to go to the orientation meeting. Getting soaked by rain and having to sit in a meeting is even more annoying.

After I cancelled my plans to go ink hunting I discovered that several train lines were delayed or stopped. I consider this divine validation of my decision.

However, I also began hoping that the meeting itself would be cancelled. Alas, it was not cancelled and I ended up having to traipse through the rain to the train station in order to go to “work.”

The trains were on time but I had to deploy the built in rain cover on my book bag, which is also annoying as it’s designed for when the bag is sitting on something, not when it’s over your shoulders being carried.

I also ended up with we feet and, even more annoying had to  drag around a large umbrella. Such things never fit anywhere and, if you don’t get the end seat on the train, you will drop it if you fall asleep. This means you have to stay awake or you drop the umbrella. (If you get the end, you can hook it over the bar.

I finally arrived a the meeting and, for the most part, there were a couple interesting revelations, but nothing particularly useful.

The only good things were we finished early and the rain stopped. But I still had the umbrella to lug around.

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